The factory manuals are almost as unobtainable as the cables but luckily there are some online. It's pretty hit-or-miss as to whether or not they have cable pinouts in them. The other thing about Harris is their (intentionally?) confusing system of nomenclature. There are multiple numbers for almost everything from the radio series down to the individual components. RF-5200 and RF-5033H and RF-5033PA-150 and AM-7532 and RF-5833H all seem to be the same thing. Confusing as all getout.
I'm trying to put together a PRC-138 system and depending on whether your putting together a 20 watt, 125 watt or 150 watt system the numbers are all over the place.
For a 125 watt system any cable with a 10497- prefix seems correct.
For a 150 watt system any cable with a 10181- prefix seems correct.
And don't try to use a standard CX-4720 for your power cable, Harris redesignated the pin functions.