OK, took at look at the dataplate on my trailer tonight and this is what it has...
5 ton, 4 wheel trailer
NSN 2330-01-226-0709
Engineered Air Systems, Inc. St. Louis, MO
Manufacture's SN TR-100195 (the 195 portion is stamped, the rest is pre-printed making it the 195th trailer perhaps...).
Date 1991
225" long, 144" from lunette to midpoint between axles
Rating empty
on wheels 5400lbs
on lunette 600lbs
total 6000lbs
Rating Country/Highway (both are the same...)
payload 11,000lbs
on wheels 15,500lbs
on lunette 1,500lbs
total 17,000lbs
Note that mine only has a single drawbar, but that the lunette hight is adjustable. Also, since every other MV or military trailer I've been near has a higher "highway" rating, I wonder about this one having the same ratings for "cross country" and "highway"...