Wow what a GREAT trip!!!!
Amanda and I got back at 6am CST today and slept most of the day! Lots of stops along the way and most were centered around somthing OD.
Our first SS stop was to see Bjorn and Linnea. The 15 mile drive on the last leg of road to their home was by far the most beautiful of the trip. We went across the Blue Ridge mountains and the colors were amazing. Much different than South Texas. I was overly ambitious with the daily sched and did not make it to see him until late in the afternoon... should have been there at 9a. Still had a great visit and was "trumped" twice for a chuckle. I took him some NASA switch protectors for his time. These Tres Chic protectors are rare as hens teeth and I thought I was adding to his top shelf toy box...

) he thanked me then said that they were cute as he was with MD aerospace for quite some time. Trump one. Then when we lost ambient light so I ran to the truck to get my "very powerful" led light to help us look at his crane. I returned to find that the sun had risen in his back yard. The glimmer of the blinding light could be seen reflecting from his Cheshire Cat grin. Two rear facing spot lights on his crane truck. Trump two... A week of visiting would not break the surface of his OD knowledge. Truly a treat.
Robert and Mary... it is hard to capture how Amanda and I feel about them in this brief post but here it goes. All I can say is that we look forward to many years of true friendship. Over a meal it was mentioned that through a terrible loss; new friends were gained. By the end of the first night it felt as though we had known each other for years. We left the trailer behind and left for DC to return to another great visit before heading on. They are the kind of people that you would like to have as family or next door neighbors.
Allan in Gainesville took my crane idea fire and tossed a bucket of gas on it. He used extra frame pieces to make a lift kit for his 52" tires. He made a comment that he would simply double frame if he were to do it again. The more I think of the strength benefits of a second frame the more I like it. I have 46" 395 Michelins so I will omit the trailer frame section on the bobbed deuce to keep the cab and bed aligned and will put a second bobbed frame under the first. Very strong... Hurricane relief ready.
It is 10pm now so I will close for tonight. I will post more on the trip tomorrow. Thanks to all!!! Amanda and I thank each of you for your hospitality and time.
Justin and Amanda Wehring