Have you considered soldering halogen 4-12 watt 12V pairing them in series?
I had done this in my M37, but the switch felt hot, so I added a 500k pot.
It made the red gauges jump out too brightly.
I could see my reflection in the windshield better than the hood, on full "power" with the dimmer knob.
You wouldn't believe where I found them the cheapest, only $1.50 ea; Walmart.
Don't forget; wire'em in series - paired up. Lower 4 watters were the lowest heat in the bulb casing.
Step two, the bright LEDs in fixed positon cans, aiming directly at the needles. Use almost no amperage
and can control any gauge individually for priority lighting, wired up seperately. Look for Milspec aviation
clearing houses for the reverse direction bulb "cans" for Jet instrumentation panels. they are also in 24V config.