2019-10-02 Chinook overflight @ our LZ
Late Wednesday afternoon I heard the distinctive thump-thump-thumping of a Chinook about to pass over our home. I stepped out in time to catch a couple of quick pics on my phone. I'm also including zoomed screenshots of those pics.

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I should mention that we are 7 miles out from the threshold of the Mathis Field (San Angelo Regional Airport) runway, so overflights on approach are commonplace. Approaching Heavy Helo's are NOT common though.
So then, let's fast forward to last night - Thursday. Dianna and I returned from a meeting, fed the dogs and cats, and realized we were hearing SEVERAL large prop-driven aircraft on approach. I stepped out the back door again (without the phone) and saw the last of FOUR C-130's heading inbound Mathis Field. I could plainly see the last plane, and the lights of three in front of it. I believe there was a FIFTH ahead of them all, by the sounds we had heard, but it was most likely behinnd the neighborhood trees by the time I was outdoors.
I'm sure they wear training for mission readiness since the spacing between the four I saw was about 1-mile separation, gear still UP at the 7-mile mark and flying low and slow.
Anywaze...... two fun sightings in two days! I'm on a roll !