Have you measured the voltage to that pin at the MVLS connector? Just disconnect it from the switch and measure the voltage in relation to any hard metal surface (like a steering column bolt). With the PCB working correctly, it should show 24V approximately.
If there's no power at that pin, it's either your PCB or the harness.
If there
is voltage present, it's possible your 3-lever switch is shot. There is a circuit breaker inside, and if they go bad you generally replace the whole switch. After that, you can start doing continuity tests on the switch itself to see if the internal contacts are good, and using a jumper wire from pin F to pin M to see if your headlights turn on - do it only for a short duration (3 seconds or less), without that circuit breaker in the MVLS if there is a fault (i.e. short to chassis ground), you could end up burning down your truck...
With all of your lights dead at the same time, it sounds like the circuit breaker though...
