Thanks for the tips guys - actually found another thread with the TM on the split brake system ( and after consulting that I conclude that I do indeed have the dual circuit/split brake system on both trucks.
Flyingvan911 - you're exactly correct - all A2's appear to have two air tanks - which is what I realized after consulting the 10 again (hence my post above re: newb mistake -oops!

I had seen several threads stating that a dead giveaway to a dual circuit/split brake system was another air tank. Since these are my first deuces I saw two tanks and said - viola! - dual/split system. I then went back and looked at those threads and they appear to be saying that a separate air tank on the passenger side frame rail means a split/dual system. However, after looking at the TM for the dual circuit brakes (see diagram on page 1-4) I'm wondering if the trucks being discussed in those threads with a separate tank on the passenger side frame rail were retrofits?
It seems that the dual circuit system from the factory used the standard A2 tank configuration with both tanks mounted on the drivers side - BUT one of the tanks was changed to be a dual chamber tank (again, see Split Brake TM diagram on page 1-4)! If you look closely at the pics I posted above of my tanks you will note the two drain cocks on one of the tanks - I'm thinking this means that tank has dual chambers. Since I haven't seen the twin tanks on a standard A2 without dual/split brakes can one of you guys with that system tell me if each of your air tanks has only one drain cock?
I did look and indeed find two Air-Hydraulic Boosters - one on the passenger side and one on the drivers side - of each of my trucks, seems to me this may be the dead giveaway of the dual/split circuit system from the factory.