When I recently bought the truck everything was sound. Replaced an oil hose going to the side filter, continued to check fluids regularly, but over the past 2weeks of not checking the precious engine blood, it managed to be as efficient in burning the oil as it does gas. Out of the nine qts. only 2 remained as I checked the dipstick after a loss in pressure, slowing the rig down to a crawl with a gut wrenching knocking noise that makes you sick to your stomach, and then it was over, my adventure sat seized up on the side of the Highway. I know my way around some of our more common domestic motor's, but this big inline six has me a bit puzzed as to where to start. I'm dropping the pan to see if I have a rod jamming things up in there. I'll try to post my tear down and trouble search as best as possible, but if there is anyone out there who know's something that I don't about this gas terd, or who could point me in the right direction as to parts I would be very greatful.
deadduce in Tulsa.
deadduce in Tulsa.