I got a quote from Gulfway for $340/yr; nice thing about them is they don't care how much driving you do. I have State Farm now, $170/yr but you have to TELL them you want "Classic Vehicle" insurance. Haven't got the policy yet so I don't know the fine print on mileage/use restrictions. Both were for full coverage including collision with a "stated" value of $6000 for the truck. Sure beats the $814 my usual insurance co. wanted for regular insurance AFTER my multi car multi policy discount, and that didn't include collision.
You have to ASK questions though, about things like mileage, towing trailers and carrying cargo. One place I talked to had a great price but I couldn't carry any cargo, not even bring a sheet of plywood home from the lumber yard! Also about garaging, many companies require you keep your vehicle in a locked garage when not in use.
When/if I ever get my policy from State Farm I'll read it closely for restrictions, if they are too picky I may end up switching to Gulfway, they seem to be the most user friendly in what you can do with your vehicle.
KNOW WHAT COVERAGE YOU ARE BUYING! Don't place any faith in what your agent says about use, you need to read the policy. The agent is only a salesman, what he/she says is not binding on the insurance co. I know, I had to pay $10,000 out of pocket to settle a lawsuit (plus more than that in lawyer's fees) over something my agent TOLD me was included in my homeowner's policy but the insurance co. refused to cover!