I saw many parts from civilian gens used in the War Zone from several manufacturers. It is there, seems to work, and is paid for. I did not see anything for current protection to the load. Some items dangling. The regulator has a fuse, the purpose is usually deactivation of exciter voltage, but this gen will melt wiring with over current on a short in the electrical network. Engine and main gen on this one is strong. Agree with Guyfang to clean it up and deal with any not connected wiring. If it functions, it makes good use in industrial uses, but for house power it uses a lot of fuel. It should run about 4 house holds with heat pumps. No heat pumps, it will run about 7 houses. Be careful around dinner time as everyone uses the stove at once. TMs are in this forum for servicing the engine. Keeper clean, set voltages with voltage adjust and meters as with frequency. Meter available everywhere. I'll bet it has brushes in the main gen exciter. Uses static stator for output. I would recommend using house fuses or breakers to cut power if a short occurs between the main gen and load terminals. Cheap and it does work to protect the network, but not the gen. There are piggy back breakers/switches attachable to breakers that you can put in the exciter wire from AVR to main gen exciter input that protects the gen too. Old tech, but cheap and works. Keep it on 3 phase and adjust ~ to neutral up to 125-128VAC. This puts about 235 on ~ to ~ for house power. Only way on this one unless you a nerdy type like me trying to assist from afar and can do a reconnect board and control circuitry.