CORRECTION the stencil says 50 mph not 55 mph, also they are no longer stencils bu actually vinyl lettering cut in computerized CNC type of machine, seems like military is modernizing too fast, what will you do if you dont have a computerized vinyl lettering cutter, use a Sharpie?
What is next? Camo Wrap military equipment? Like of those car wraps on advertising company cars. Ridiculous.
Anyways, I have been looking ways to train my self on how to about getting use to driving this trailer, because I truly need it. I too my self have not been a big fan of video games specially after seeing how they have effected the youth in amount of valuable time wasted but I guess I can say exception doesn't brake the rules.
I was able to get my hands on Farming Simulator 2013 and try to practice backing up without turning my small farm into a construction zone. I have so far learned that I have to move forward 30% to be able to recover awkward turned trailer before I can successfully continue backing up, so if I move 10ft back, I have to forward 3ft to straighten then move back more, my constant problem seem to be as below picture.
Like the FloridaAKM said it is much easier to maneuver with a tractor than a Long Wheel Base truck because of the turn radius, but I am really trying to get the hands down basics of the entire procedure.
I have looked at some of the considered fabricating suggestions above and I have not be able to come up with good ideas what I can fabricate to keep the tongue straight. Because there really is not any other things to attach anything.
Below are some of the new pictures, please let me know if I can any more of them at any particular angle.

Some of the pictures are panorama so they might look weird.