Welcome to Steel Soldiers........... THAT, is a truck!
Any chance you have a kid around that knows how to run a video camera and can grab audio and speedo video of a 0-50 mph run....posted on you tube?
I listened to the 1693 Cat KW long ago so would like to hear that Cummins.
A neighbour worked for Kenworth way back in the old days so I got bit early. I read something about the KW program somewhere, busted open the memory bank and found the start of some info maybe. What other info are you looking for?
"""""I was the Project Director for this truck back in 1995. Officially its called the Heavy Engineer Support Vehicle (HESV). There were three versions. This one is a three way tipper with a 7 cu m capacity. The dump body is the NATO three colour SCAPP pattern, because they came off of HLVWs which were built as dump trucks. These HLVW variants failed miserably as they would fall over on their side when dumping every time. The proposed fix was also a failure. This led to the HESV project. Four HLVW dump bodies were trialled on four old Kenworth chassis and were eventually sent to Bosnia to replace the aged 5Ton dumps. These pro types were assembled at then CFB Uplands by the base maintenance shop. The first was sent to an Army equipment show at St Hubert. The Commanders comment when he saw it was "thats a F*****g Big Dump Truck!" So for a while we called it the FBDT. The other two variants are a PLS variant and a tractor."""""""