Rmgill,Byrdo, I'm glad the Code Enforcement Administrator saw the light. The ones I have weren't so sagacious. They construed that ANY large vehicle was a Commercial Vehicle and that was the same "business vehicle" which was the legal term which was the restricted class of vehicles for my Building Zone.
At this point, I'm waiting on the county's appeal (they lost at the first court level) to be denied or granted and then we see what the Appeal's court judge says (DeKalb Superior Court). It would all be fine and dandy were it not for the amount of money I've paid for the court costs.
Sorry to hear about your situation. I am grateful that mine went as smoothly as it did. If there is anything I can do to help you out please let me know. In the mean time, good luck and keep fighting the good fight. Newly inspired to do something good with the truck I am going to take her to the mall and collect some toys for tots. Maybe, make some kids day taking him/her for a ride.