Unfortunately, for an entity to have desire to offer good customer service, there needs to be competition (if WalMart are a-holes, you shop somewhere else). There is no competition for the govt, so they have no reason to improve their customer service. Sure, we can complain all we want, but whats their incentive to change things? You still have to use the DMV to register your vehicles.
I have a friend who has been trying to register a trailer here in N.H. that he bought from a guy in Vermont. Unfortunately, Vermont didn't require a title for this trailer, but N.H. does. The seller never even registered it, it was used on his farm. N.H. requires a title for this trailer, so my friend started trying to go through legal channels. He contacted the seller, but the seller never had a title either (didn't get one when he bought it). N.H. said to go back to the original purchaser. He tried that, no luck...the guy has since moved, or died, or something...but is no longer at his address, and can't be contacted. N.H. said tough, no title, no registration.
I suggested he register it as home made, and even made him out a receipt for the materials to build a trailer (N.H. requires a paper trail). He tried that, the town required a form showing that the VIN be verified. Its HOME MADE, the state has to issue a VIN. He went around in circles between the state and the town, and neither will budge...so forget a home built trailer.
Next step- I gave him a bill of sale and copy of previous registration (that they require) for a trailer I have that I retired. Its grandfathered from needing a title because of age. He was able to register it with the town, but once he got to the state, they refused to give him plates without a title, even though its grandfathered because of the age of the trailer. They insist that I have a title, which I don't, and never did.
He's now out $1000 for the initial cost of the trailer (very nice equipment trailer, well worth it), and over $1000 in registration and other fees he's accumulated trying to register it. He can't even sell the trailer in N.H. without a title.
Point: Dealing with the govt., and DMV especially, can be a major headache. No matter how wrong they are, you have very little chance of winning. And they just don't care how they affect your life with their stupidity.