Wow I didn't think anyone cared

Thank you Joe for the manual link!
Mechanically, the truck operates flawlessy. We've put on 800+ miles in three States without having it registered or inspected & without plates. One cop asked us "where'd that truck come from?" in a manner that inferred that we had stolen it. We did put insurance on it before the Rally.
-During the RC Rally one of the unloader valves attached to the air tanks was dumping air prematurely. It was annoying but didn't affect safety. It was dumping air at about 120psi when its supposed to be holding 130-140psi. The valve is supposed to dump at 150psi.
-While at the RC Rally CARNAC stopped by in his "Mobile MV Trading Post" and I acquired among other things a brand new 14ft. 3-color camo cargo top for the 923. And I might add that the price was right!
-On the way home from the Rally we stopped at a junkyard in NJ and picked up:
New mirror heads
Spare tire
Shackles, front & rear
-We also reversed the damage to the center of the bumper from the execution of the "trail widening program" at RC. I heated it up with the rosebud tip and was able to curl the bucket on my JD crawler loader, pulling out the dent completely. Looks like it never happened.
Outstanding Items to be done:
-Have the truck inspected & registered
-Acquire cargo bows, corners, and sides
-Get the transmission temperature gauge to work
-Push out oil can dent in hardtop (it barely noticeable even now)
-Restore/repair existing wooden troop sides (Unless we can find a nice cheap pair)
-Acquire small chain hoist for spare tire davit, make davit extension and pivot operate smoothly
-Acquire spare tire "spoon" that retains spare tire
-Replace crumbling hood liner
-Take out rubber floor mat "moisture trap" in cab and remove scale rust.
-Prepare truck & paint 3-color woodland
-Apply stenciling
Currently the 923 is high on the "project" priority list. Even with the light duty work, progress will be slow with all the other stuff going on. I can't wait to realize the end result.
Thanks again for letting me share. I'll keep U's guys posted.