HOUSE SUPPLEMENTAL RULES CALENDAR #2TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2014Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:The Committee on Rules has fixed the calendar for this 39th Legislative Day asenumerated below

Pursuant to Rule 33.3, debate shall be limited to no more than one hour on alllegislation. Time to be allocated at the discretion of the Speaker.Modified Open Rule
HR 1724
Sustainable Forestry Initiative; state-wide support for sustainable forestcertification; encourage (NR&E-Williams-119th)
SB 187
State Government; provide exemption for the board of commissioners ofGeorgia Student Finance Commission; board of directors
(JudyNC-Willard-51st) Hill-32nd
SB 274
Capitol Arts Standards Commission; designation of areas within capitolmuseum; Georgia Capitol Agricultural History Museum areas (SProp-Greene-151st) Seay-34th
SB 294
Electrical Contractor Class II; provide that a person licensed may performlow-voltage contracting without obtaining a state-wide Low-voltageContractor Class (Substitute)(RegI-Dickson-6th) Murphy-27th
SB 352
Georgia Council on Lupus Education and Awareness; create (H&HSCooper-43rd) Unterman-45th
SB 364
Juvenile Code; revise and correct errors or omissions (Substitute)(JuvJWeldon-3rd) Stone-23rd
SB 365
Fair Business Practices Act; enact offender reentry reforms asrecommended by the Georgia Council on Criminal Justice Reform
(JuvJ-Golick-40th) Stone-23rd
SB 386
Civil Practice; prohibit public disclosure; social security numbers,taxpayers identification numbers; court documents (Substitute)(Judy-Jacobs-80th) Albers-56th
SR 981
Violence Against Health Care Workers; create joint study committee(H&HS-Dempsey-13th) Unterman-45th
Modified Structured Rule
SB 98
"Federal Abortion Mandate Opt-out Act" (Substitute)(Ins-Taylor-173rd)Hill-32nd (Rules Committee Substitute) (AM# 25 1335)
SB 283
Education; authorize school systems; provide instruction on history oftraditional winter celebrations (Ed-Gravley-67th) Dugan-30th(AM# 33 1437)
SB 340
Official Code of Georgia Annotated; revise, modernize, correct errors;reenact statutory portion of said Code (Substitute)(CR-Jacobs-80th)Stone-23rd (AM# 25 1333)
SB 343
Education; provide no high school which receives funding under the"Quality Basic Education Act"; shall participate in sponsor interscholasticsport events conducted by any athletic association (Substitute)(B&FAORoberts-155th) Mullis-53rd (AM# 33 1432)
SB 350
Human Services, Dept.of; bidding out of child welfare services state widethrough contracts with community based providers (Substitute)(Judy-Rogers-29th) Unterman-45th
SB 381
"Georgia First Informer Broadcasters Act"; provide planning for firstinformer broadcasters; definitions (PS&HS-Atwood-179th) Beach-21st
SB 392
Motor Vehicles; provide additional definition; acceptance of applicationsfor registration; not in compliance with federal emission standards (MotVEpps-144th) Gooch-51st (AM# 39 0070)
Structured Rule
SR 415
Taxes; increase in state income tax rate prohibited -CA (Substitute)(W&MRamsey-72nd) Shafer-48th
SR 875
Property Tax Digest Impact on Education Funding; create Joint StudyCommittee (Substitute)(W&M-Knight-130th) Hill-4thBills and Resolutions on this calendar may be called in any order the Speakerdesires.Respectfully submitted,_________________________________