I and a friend have put them in our toyotas and bronco,,,,,,first off, never put an automatic in the front cause the steering becomes a pain on tight trails.... we both had tru trac or something in the rear, and it is nice to have it there just ready to go, I dont have to think about it if I need it real quick, and having those 3 wheels driving will make all the difference in the world esspecially in off camber/ twisting trail conditions.
The other things to get use to is tires sqweeling in a parking lot at 3 mph, or little old ladies telling You your differential /tranny is broken ( No Joke- 70 year old lady knew what a differential was and that it was making a clicking sound, but not about lockers).. tires wear more. If you coast thru turns things are much smother in the parking lot. You can get a feedback between your foot and the throttle in a turn, and the truck surging. And You will also experience throttle steer, the vehicle will track down the road and tend to pull to one side or the other because of the tilt of the road......... and You can literally steer by throttling or coasting the engine..... I showed this to my friend (before he got his lockers) by driving about a mile or more down the freeway without holding the steering wheel, I just had to play with the throttle to make it veer left or right.
As for the front I just went with an arb, but that was before the ox came out, and I didnt want to have a toyota electric locker down in the water/mud.