Sweet ride .. don't know much about the power-train .. but when I was an armor officer and overseas, had an opportunty to climb into and play with chieftan, challenger and leopard tanks ... would agree that the cannons on both british vehicles were outstanding on the ranges as were the gunners stations .. Brits have made a real science out of balistics and were able to get a much beter performance out of their105 Main guns than we ever did in our M60A3's and our early M1's .. Of course the 120 RM Cannon (M1A Series) is a beast of another color
When the M1's first came out we were going thru turbines after just a a few hours .. The original V-Pack air filters were just not up to the job .. but like many new and complex things they performed beautifully once the bugs were worked out. Know many a tanker who would swear to that
Good luck with your Venture