I don't think anyone is trying to be a jerk by notifying anyone else, in fact the intention is noble enough. The problem remains that by trying to help out someone who may have missed the listing, you could very well be hurting someone who already knew about it. Auctions are not secret just so someone can get a deal, but if you were bidding, you would like a decent deal as much as anyone else. If I alert the world and someone comes in to casually bid on the truck who did not know about it, you might pay an extra $500 to get it. I just cost you $500 more. I don't like to be on the receiving end of that. It's going to happen, but I refuse to add to the effect.
There are 2 typical positions on the issue. The first says: I will post specific auctions *that I'm not bidding on* (note that nifty little caveat/double standard) and the second says: I won't post specific auctions even if I'm not bidding.
Now, the first position, though noble, is directly selfish and contains a double standard, since no one posts to say "I'm bidding on these trucks. Did you guys see them? Man they look good. You all should bid on them too."
While everyone would like to feel good about the fact that they might have helped out a fellow MV'er, they overlook the fact that the MV'er who was already bidding wasn't looking for any more competition.
The second position is also selfish , but there's no double standard. I don't want someone posting about a truck I'm bidding on because there is always a chance that someone who did not know about it will start bidding and I will have to pay more for it or might lose it. From a taxpayer standpoint, I love it if I'm not in the running. However, when I'm in the running, I don't like it. That fact alone overrides my taxpayer view when I'm not involved.
Different philosophies, I guess. Just because Bruce and I are the only ones who voiced this opinion, don't fool yourself into thinking that we're the only ones who feel this way.
EVERYONE ELSE DOES TOO. Don't believe me? Then WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE POST THE TRUCKS THEY ARE BIDDING ON AND BEG OTHERS TO BID AGAINST THEM??? Sometimes people are just overcome by the incredible urge to be a "buddy" to a stranger on the forum. I would like to do that sometimes. But, being a buddy to someone on the forum might mean taking money out someone else's pockets and I don't think that's the right thing to do either. I'd rather stay out of it and let things run their course and whoever wins, wins! I sleep better at night this way. I'll go take that flying leap now...
BTW: There's no "bid rigging" going on just because someone doesn't know about a truck for sale.