Some new announcements to add:
-First, please be patient and bear with me a little longer. This is my last semester of college so I'm running around like crazy doing everything. Just FYI.
-So, the rough sketches for the shirts will (hopefully) be added by next week. That way everyone can decide if they want a shirt or not. Along with it, I will be posting what information I need for shirts next week.
-Remember suggestions are welcome!
-If you want in on the MAILING LIST, email me your address and tell me you want to be added. I will send out an email to everyone on it with upcoming stuff. So if you check your email more than steel soldiers, this might be a good idea! My email is
-If you want to bring food, start thinking about what would be good and throw some ideas out there! In March, I will begin compiling a "food list" so everyone can be organized.
-Any questions, please email or pm here - just remember, I don't have the ability to check here as often so email is best.
Thanks guys! Have a good week.