press in on the panel some, then use flat tip screwdriver to pop off clip or needle nose to pull it off. I have also heard that you can slide a rag or old t-shirt in there an snag it in order to pull it off without losing it as you might with the first method. It took longer to put back on than removing it.
Here is a tip for putting it back on: Install c-clip onto crank handle first, then push crank handle onto shaft. The c-clip will flex around the shaft and click when it is pressed far enough to reach the little slot it sets into. It took me ten years of pulling off the handle then fishing it back on the old way before I had my moment of zen and realized there is a much easier way. And yes, I felt pretty silly afterward when I realized how easy it goes back on.
As far as getting it off, using a rag is a good way, or you can get a pick and hook set from Sears and use one of those instruments. The other place you will probably run into a hangup is getting the top to come loose for you. Make sure you unscrew the black plastic knob for the door lock then gingerly, yet firmly jiggle the whol panel up and down and side-to-side until the clips holding the top come loose.
Yep, didn't read the whole thread before I posted, and I see now i am not the only one who figured the little clippy-poo trick out. I just wonder what the average number of times is a man will install that clip the hard way before it dawns on him to put it on the handle first. I would be embarrassed to know how many times it took me, but a rough estimate is probably at least 100.