My 1984 "new M1009" from Alfa Heaven is stalling out and after a few miles will restart and run. My wife has been driving the truck and that is all I can report. At least she is driving it. I'm thinking it's a fuel filter problem, that's the only thing that has not been changed.
I'm looking for suggestion on a fix. I've been working M-F out of town, I'm just happy she is driving our "new" truck. Is there a P/N for a filter? Epay for a few? Is there a SS recomended supplier? I would assume that the filter is the starting point. I am well aware of the Ass-ume. All the fuel problems I searched in the Fourm make me think doom and gloom,
I'm looking for suggestion on a fix. I've been working M-F out of town, I'm just happy she is driving our "new" truck. Is there a P/N for a filter? Epay for a few? Is there a SS recomended supplier? I would assume that the filter is the starting point. I am well aware of the Ass-ume. All the fuel problems I searched in the Fourm make me think doom and gloom,