That tray in the M1031 pic is a sub-tray from a HMMWV which looks like it's been modified by the local motor pool to mount in the M1031, as I've never seen an official MK with anything like that - not to say it doesn't exist - only I've never personally seen one. That's a SINCGARS tray, too, for the current family FH radios.
The Canadians had a mod to mount the radios in the cab of the amb and pickup CUCVs (they never had the Blazers) which was a bracket that mounted overtop of the transfer-case lever on the floor. They either shortened the lever or mounted it backwards - can't recall which - but it fit very well and left enough room in the cab for everything except a third passenger.
CUCV family trucks mostly had VRC-12 series radios through the mid-1990s and even later in some cases. Usually that meant one RT-524 mounted on the radio shelf that goes behind the passenger seat in the M1009 Blazer (the 24V bus bar for power is mounted to the side wall there), and may have had the R-442 receiver mounted beside it to the right of the RT-524. There was also a mod kit that gave you another radio tray for behind the driver's seat for another RT-524, and you'd use the black steel bracket in the middle of the dashboard for the C-2299 control box which enabled you to use the two radios as a repeater, or select between one and the other to transmit (some even had a third tray mounted across from the spare tire in the back or in some cases instead of it for the AN/GRC-213 HF set, but those are rare.)
If you're shopping and your CUCV already has the one radio tray mounted behind the passenger seat, you're after:
1 x RT-524 transceiver
1 x MT-1029 mounting tray
1 x CX-4720 DC power cable
1 x CX-4722 AMU Control Cable
1 x CG-1773 Coax Cable
1 x MX-6707 Antenna Matching Unit and fiberglass whip
Ebay frequently has RT-524s, but currently the best place to get them in terms of price/quality is Pvt. Jarhead's surplus (search Google for the link.) MT-1029 trays, cables etc. try Steve Haney (Google again), Mike Murphy (, Fair Radio ( or American-Milspec (
Good reference for the cables etc. is Brooke Clarke's pages here:
MT-1029 Radio Mount
(You can also fit the RT-246 in place of the RT-524 if you want - basically the same radio except the RT-246 omits the front panel speaker and has preset pushbutton frequencies instead which you can control remotely from the dashboard or wherever else in the vehicle with the correct control box and cables. I have one x RT-246 and one x RT-524 in mine with a C-2299 control box between the radios and a C-2742 control box mounted on top of it to control the freqs on the RT-246 from the dashboard. Pretty cool. Too bad the vehicle itself is disintegrating thanks to decades of road salt.)