As time marches on ANYTHING/ANYPART of WWII stuff(especially armor) will be extremely valuable. So as the warbirds went/go , so will the ground vehicles!!
John and Sue at the Warhawk Air museum in Nampa Idaho has a P-40 Warhawk. He chased down the legends/rumors/stories about a P-40 on a farm somewhere in Canada. Finally found it,bought it and got it home.
Oh--I forget--ONLY after they rented the backhoe and DUG IT UP!!
It had been buried for years--farmer took a few parts off of it and then BURIED the thing to get it out of his way. Took YEARS to find more parts,cleanup what they had and finally make it fly.
Moral of story here---Varyag---yep, your "tank" ain't complete or "correct" with the mods it has but for that price it is WELL worth dragging home!!
Anyone venture a guess as to how much this thing weighs so transport can be arranged
