Task completed.
Ok. firstly thank you everyone for the input. T.M.9-2320-211-35 Is as good as they come. But, the details simply too vague.I have yet to even see a complete schematic showing the sprag assembly when withdrawing the case.
So after taking some Serious 'consideration' (?) I really got at this thing.
And ignoring the T.M. completely. Figured it as this. (As it CAN be explained quite simply).
REAR. 1. Take out Box. 2. Remove drive coupling. 3. Remove Hand brake, Drum, and all accessories. 4. Remove bearing covers.
FRONT. Remove drive coupling., and the air shift unit (four nuts removes the case), 5/8 socket undoes the centre nut to allow the unit to be removed. At this juncture remove the gear selector (High Low) on the case side remove cover, Security wire, and retaing bolt selector springs etc. You May pull out the selector shaft. You then take off the front input cover . It may well come out with the sprag assembly. Or Not. Remove circlip, and it will.
5. Undo all the nuts and bolts round the front cover. Insert 3 nuts and bolts through a chain around the the front cover AFTER pushing the cover up using 3 threaded bolts in the holes provided. Use a lifting source lift out the gear assemblies. 6. Removing the circlips allows the synchro shaft to drop down and out as you lift. . SO HAVE IT LOW AND SUPPORTED TO DROP OUT UNDER CONTROL it is very heavy.
Some pictures after I took some 'medicine' to assist the situation. I am GLAD that part is over. Problem now to obtain a synchro mechanism from somewhere. But I will most probably take the one out of the camper and make one good box out of the two. But, That's for next week.