I have a 1982 m813 nhc250 it has the top stop injectors I want to do the overhead on it tomorrow. I have been doing research on here I just need clarification on a couple things. I barred my engine over and appears I have the markings i6vs , I did see another marking near it but not a continual additional set of markings . On Will Wagners post it said I should have a different marking like tbdc I might have that on there but I don't think I have a set of the those markings . Would I use the 16vs that should be outter base I need inner base . Other question is when I adjust the rocker down on to the injector push rod until it contacts the push rod then tighten 6 inch lbs . So when he rocker has full contact with the pushrod inside that's when I tighten 6 inch lbs just want to make sure that's correct . Thanks for any information .