I FINALLY -after 1 YEAR ...got it back YESTERDAY !!!!
all back together ..the Windshield ended up smashed by accident so , I had a new one and a new rear window installed. ..It has a few "Bugs"
I put "Evens" anti freeze in it (4 gallons and it still needs more) but , it is running hot ..almost to the point of overheating.
The timing was checked so it's not that, it has a 180deg Thermostat /new pump/new hoses and the Radiator is only 4 years old so ..
It's running rough and has trouble idling ...we checked for vacume leaks , nothing.
The trans shifting isn't right ...feels like it's staying in 1st longer than it should and then shifts up.
We couldn't get the Altenator to charge ...I bypassed the AMP Meter and it worked right away. Wish there was a way to still have that Amp Guage working though.
Hopefully these small problems will be fixed this week ...then the only thing left to do will be the new Camo Paint Job.
I wasn't shooting for a full blown restoration but , this was pretty close.
I can't begin to tell you how happy I am sharing these new photos with you ...took long enough huh ?