Got some more work done today. Just need a few more parts and a couple of new batteries and I should have it running and driving.
My brother, Chad, came up to help today. He tackled the wiring in the cab. He soldered on some new connectors where the engine run/start switch had been chopped out of the harness instead of being disconnected. He hooked up the switches for run/start and batt on/off, plumbed the front axle shift switch, and fixed the ABS harness.
While he was doing that, I worked on the front hub. I had to jump up and down on my 3/4" ratchet to get the lug nuts to break loose. Then, I about busted my guts carrying the hub and brake drum. I got the spindle/air brake spider torqued down and then spent about 30 min cleaning the rust and crud off of the spindle. I cleaned and repacked the wheel bearings and put on a new inner hub seal. Then, I hit a snag. The rust on the spindle was preventing the inner bearing from seating all the way. When I tried to take it back apart to clean the spindle some more, the bearing stuck and pulled out along with the inner seal. Now I need to get a long enough puller to get the bearing off so I can get it to fit. Arggghh.
Oh well, so I stopped that project for a while and moved on to trying to get the engine started. We filled the crankcase with 18 quarts Rotella plus 2 for the filter and filled the tranny with 17 quarts of Dexron III. Then we hooked the steering ram up and filled the steering pump with fluid. After that was done, we had the joyful task of lifting the 4 6TMF batts up 6 feet into the cab and hoking them up.
The moment of truth came. I flipped the main power switch on and the gauges moved so that was a good sign. I flipped the engine switch to run and the low air whistle started, the CTIS module lit up, the parking brake light lit, the control box clicked and the fuel shut-off solenoid moved. Great I thought, here goes, I flipped it to start and got nothing but a flurry of starter solenoid clicking. Crap, I flipped it again and the engine turn about a 1/4 turn and the more solenoid clicking. Frickin batteries! I checked them with a VOM and 2 were at 10v while the other 2 were at 12.5v. The low 2 I had difficulty charging so I'm guessing they have a dead cell or something.
So, I need to get 2 more 6TMF batts, the radiator mount and fan shroud, finish the hub, add a truckload of coolant and I should be good to go.
I'm going to try and finish a few more things tomorrow afternoon and then gather parts for next weekend. Overall, I am very pleased with the progress so far. I just can't wait to get it running!