I just first time going to change my oil on my M927-A2 and I know, A-1 and A-2 are little different in procedures, but I really wanted to put up decent newbie reference and question platform for all the opinions and options so where other people can ask their questions under one thread.
I have changed oil before, never diesel, my general procedure as follows.
1-Add motor flush run engine for 5 mins.
2-Open drain plugs, let it drip long time.
3-Remove filters, clean housings.
4-Fill new filter with oil apply oil to gaskets and install, dont over tighten.
5-Put on oil plugs back on and fill with oil.
6-Run engine 5 mins, shut engine 10 mins check oil again.
7-Check oil again next day, add as necessary.
Please feel free to point out any mistakes above but my main question is what oil should I use.
So manual TM 9-2320-272-10 pdf page 67 or paper page 0002-15 says

So I take that as 15-40 oil for engine,
but what brand without holing the pocket and what does OE/HDO stands for?
I saw in the wally world all,
Castrol 15-40 5qt 12.xx
Mobil 15-40 5qt 25.xx
chain part stores were about 10 bucks more
I know Cummins prefers Valvoline as their official oil, and I am confused about the price difference, why so large? What do you use? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for the replies...
I have changed oil before, never diesel, my general procedure as follows.
1-Add motor flush run engine for 5 mins.
2-Open drain plugs, let it drip long time.
3-Remove filters, clean housings.
4-Fill new filter with oil apply oil to gaskets and install, dont over tighten.
5-Put on oil plugs back on and fill with oil.
6-Run engine 5 mins, shut engine 10 mins check oil again.
7-Check oil again next day, add as necessary.
Please feel free to point out any mistakes above but my main question is what oil should I use.
So manual TM 9-2320-272-10 pdf page 67 or paper page 0002-15 says

So I take that as 15-40 oil for engine,
but what brand without holing the pocket and what does OE/HDO stands for?
I saw in the wally world all,
Castrol 15-40 5qt 12.xx
Mobil 15-40 5qt 25.xx
chain part stores were about 10 bucks more
I know Cummins prefers Valvoline as their official oil, and I am confused about the price difference, why so large? What do you use? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for the replies...
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