My Nartron box had the glowplugs on all the time, so I tried to figure out the interaction between the GPC and EESS box. The connections are shown in Technical Manual TM-9-2320-280-20-3 on page 1159/1170. I found that my connections were actually as follows:
GPC Pin 1: wire 573A - EESS Pin H - no internal connection
GPC Pin 2: no connection
GPC Pin 3: wire 459B - EESS Pin B - temperature signal to EESS - connected to terminal on board
GPC Pin 4: wire 570A - EESS Pin C - no internal connection
GPC Pin 5: wire 93A - ground
GPC Pin 6: wire 583/54A - EESS Pin A - 24VDC RUN command - also goes to Injector Pump solenoid
So only three GPC connections were actually connected: 24VDC, ground and temperature signal to EESS. You are right that the earlier Patents assign a lot of functionality to the engine-mounted GPC. I think the system I have is best reflected by the last of the patents, 6148258, although there are so many possible alternatives listed it is hard to say how they were actually built. From the discussion on page 21, it appears that the signal characteristic from the GPC would be a voltage. It is easy to see how bad grounds would throw that off, hence the emphasis on the grounding harness in all of the threads on the topic. Anyway, for the Nartron EESS system I don't think there is much logic happening in the GPC on the engine, it is in the EESS box under the dash.