Been cleaning the pistons, connecting rods, all 8 lifters, and IP roller. All the lifters were full of the black sludge. Disassembled them to their individual pieces, cleaned with inspection. Only one was stiff. Coated them with 15w-40 and reassembled. Placed in a ziplock bag with the IP roller and covered with oil.

The pistons cleaned up real nice also. There was slight scarring on the #3 piston with the crack in the cylinder. The other 3 still have the factory machine marks.

there was no spun connecting rod bearings, not even scarred.

Been trying to contact small diesel shops and they have not returned any of my calls and emails.

I have been watching YouTube videos on sleeving cast iron blocks. I have a Bridgeport mill and a boring head, hell I will do it myself!!!! What’s the worst that could happen... I scrap the block!!!! Still need to have the head cleaned and evaluated for rebuild. Need to check the generator head still too, so it could still end up as a parts machine. Nothing wasted but my time!!!