I plan to use home heating oil in my MEP 803A. My reasoning is those engines are designed to burn various grades of fuel such as several formulations of jet fuel, and kerosine. And because that Lister engine does not have any pollution filters, can’t harm that. So I plan to use home heating oil. I have (4) 275 tanks in series, and since I heat a big drafty house I cycle through the fuel often enough

I wish I could use heating oil with my John Deere 4066R (66 hp) tractor

, but because of the pollution filter my mechanic advises against using home heating oil in that engine. So I have (4) 275 gallon tanks in series, and the aux. fuel supply for the generator set ready to be plumbed. I keep the heating fuel in my basement, and plan to insulate and adding a heating element in the diesel feed to the exterior generator, just in case I need it when it’s really

I’m no expert in this, but did research including talking with my head tractor mechanic (I work for a Deere dealer). He’s chimes in on this and likes the plan. I would love to hear critiques, such as should I use an additive, or am I bonkers!!!?