Mike I will scatter shoot here, first to the applicability of an 804A/B. either will work just fine for your needs. In reality the 803 would work well also. The 803 will make 480 Volts just fine, but near if not ALL the logic will need to be redone or made to work with the 480 output.. That effort in its self V. using the 804 may lend you to using the 804, don't give the "Stby" any thought, your application is fine and will only need fuel and normal servicing issues. The Voltage regulator will work as it is , but the "RANGE" will need to be increased to take it beyond the normal settings for 416 +/- up into the 480 area will however need the broader increase so you can focus on the 460-480 desired voltage.. we do it all the time not a problem..Again I wouldn't dismiss the 803 but with the knowledge it will take some work effort to get it into the 480 area. Again I know from experience this can be done as I built up a unit for our City here locally to run the sewer lift station it just comes down to your comfort level and no rocket Science is needed..
If i can help you i will try and be more responsive to your questions or needs .. As a broad overview for the 803 at 480 we just gutted the controls in total, and went with a whole new package featuring remote and full Auto Start, way more details than the general readers/users might care to read or find out about..
Regards: mac/mc