In unknown condition like buying from GL, I only went as high as $400 on mine because of the great looking paint condition, but that is just me. At the time I did not NEED another generator, if I needed a small diesel generator I would probably have went up to $500 or so as is on a MEP-016D, but you are not looking at as-is, you are looking at does not produce power, which the going opinion online is scrap value. Having said that the Yanmar L70 engine on there is worth a fair amount on its own, if you can find a buyer. This really is a dice roll, it could be a loose wire, maybe a bad voltage regulator that can be replaced by a $50 SX-460 clone, or the thing could be a big paperweight like Rustystud has. However if you get a good one I feel they are great little diesel generators that sip fuel if you don't mind taking the time to deal with the old wiring issues inside the control box (there is not that much inside them so it should not take too long), certainly as good as anything you can buy for under $3,000 new.