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- Hudson Valley, New York
Hello all here is the lasted. I cleaned up everything and spend a few hours checking other wire and parts in the area. It all looks good. I did a temporary repair (very Temp LOL) and fired it up. 802 was running fine closed the circuit breaker (Not the right word but you will understand) and verified that I have power at the wire terminals. So just need to replace the terminal block and will be up and running.
I called the company that makes the terminal block on Monday Marco Manufacturing out of Philly PA. They verified they make the part. I though wow this is great!!! Part 4300-12 is about $7.99 each but the company has a $50 minimum purchase request.

I replaced the top cover as we have a bad store coming on Wednesday. Don’t want water to come in.
Back in the day when I was in uniform one of my many job was to send soldiers to training. I ran a Q 36 Fire Finder Radar. Had a high speed operator that wanted to go the radar Repair School. I took some workings but he went away for almost a year for the training. Worked on the radar for a few years and did a good job. About 6 month before it was time to reenlist he came to me for a job reference. He said it is time for me to move on I hope you understand. You hate to lose a greatsoldier and good friend but you have to let them move up. He left the service to go work as a CECOM LAR. He is very busy with work and family butwas able to help out.
I will take pics and update when I get this back up and running. I have a spare 802 and an 803 ready on standby.

Thanks everyone for all you help and input!!!
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