Fastbrass, to answer about the injectors, just remove the hold down clamp, remove the line and they pull straight out. of it's stuck a bit you can twist and pull on the flat area just below the fuel line. If they are frozen in tight ( not likely ) I have used a small slide hammer to pull them out. A metric lug nut ( 12mm x 1.5 pitch if I recall ) will thread onto the fuel line thread, then hook slide hammer under the lug nut. There is nothing to worry about as far as position when you reinstall. Just watch out for the copper washer on the bottom of the injector, make sure you don't loose it. when you reinstall, its a good idea to heat the copper washer until cherry red then let it air cool, that will anneal it to help it seal better.
If you spray oil into cylinders, try to use a spray tube to get it around the edges, the pistons have a deep dish in the center so pouring oil into the cyl. will only fill up the dish, it won't all flow to the edges and get on the rings. Dead crank it to help distribute the oil.
If the machine smokes for 20 seconds or more at start up, that could be a sign of stuck rings and low cylinder pressure, occasionally a good workout will free up a stuck ring, if it isn't frozen in that bad.