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Yesterday I used it for fencing. Running a chop saw off the AC generator and using the welder for stick welding. Settings are coarse adjustment at minimum, fine adjustment at maximum, which should yield about 90 amps. 2/0 cable leads. 1/8" 6010.
Yesterday it worked fine. Today I got to the job site and fired it up. We used the AC to run the chop saw and got the first pipe cut and ready to weld. It won't strike an arc. I thought it was bad ground, or paint on the pipe. I moved the ground around and eventually attempted to strike an arc on the ground clamp itself. No go.
There is some power coming through - it sparks very minimally, comparable to static electricity. This is whether I strike the pipe, or the ground clamp. I attempted this on all coarse settings from low to high, and with the fine setting knob in various positions. Same result.
I checked all connections, positive and negative, from the machine to the ground clamp and from the machine to the stinger. Everything looks fine.
This is a 2007 machine, with a bunch of hours. It has been working fine for me without a hiccup up to now.
Yesterday it worked fine. Today I got to the job site and fired it up. We used the AC to run the chop saw and got the first pipe cut and ready to weld. It won't strike an arc. I thought it was bad ground, or paint on the pipe. I moved the ground around and eventually attempted to strike an arc on the ground clamp itself. No go.
There is some power coming through - it sparks very minimally, comparable to static electricity. This is whether I strike the pipe, or the ground clamp. I attempted this on all coarse settings from low to high, and with the fine setting knob in various positions. Same result.
I checked all connections, positive and negative, from the machine to the ground clamp and from the machine to the stinger. Everything looks fine.
This is a 2007 machine, with a bunch of hours. It has been working fine for me without a hiccup up to now.