Updated Unit markings
Well I got the batteries pulled out and in the process of seeing if I can recover them. 3 are May 2010 and 1 is from 2013

At first none of them would take a charge from the "smart" charger" (the red one in front) as it would error out with a Internal Open Cell / Sulfated Condition error code. So hit each one with my "old school" everstart charger set on the 50amp setting for a couple of hours and then was able to finally start using the smart chargers that also do pulse charging to help desulfate the batteries and hopefully in another 20-48 hours I will be able to hit them all with load tests and then see if they will be usable again in the M925.
I also found out from the 2014 VIN thread of Carnac's that BOTH of my trucks came from sister units! What is that chances of that!!
Amazing that my two trucks are truly brothers as they served in sister units under the 450th Chemical Battalion, 209th Regional Support Command, 355th Signal Command... My 923 was with the 369th Chemical Company 4th Platoon out of Waco TX. and my 925 was with the 340th Chemical Company 4th Platoon out of Houston TX.
So it looks like my bumper markings should be something like the following for my 925:
The left Bumper should read
209th RSC
450th CBN
The Right side should be
340th CM
CM490 This line would/should be platoon and vehicle number i.e. 4 90 but I don't recall what the CM (which is on my 925) stands for? see my next posting)
Then based off of the 925 my 923 would/should be like:
The left side should read
209th RSC
450th CBN
The Right side should be
369th CM
CM4?? (replace ?? with vehicle number)