Guys I have a ton of experience with this what I do is to set the beads is use a 2 inch ratchet strap and ratchet it down (go around the tire cirumfrence) and if you think its tight enough tighten it some more. Once it is tight then air it up and it will "Pop" once it does this release the strap and your bead is set. Then inflate to proper PSI... As far as bolting the rims together I just go in a tighting sequence as like 12 o clock 6, 3,9,2,7, ETC.. It is important you tighten them down equally or it will not seal proplerly and leak. But if your careful and tightnen them down like a cylinder head you will achive sucess.
When you put the O Rings In you should use just a tad bit of bearing grease on them.. It helps the Oring stay in place and form a better seal.
As far as the runflats they are a real pain in the _______ (fill in the blank) if you want them in you need a runflat compressor (military tool) basically what is done is they are folded in half then inserted and worked around and then you undo the compressor once the runflat is inside and thats that. It takes some one that has experinece to do one prob. 1 1/2 hours. someone that has never done it could be rough job!! It sucks unless you need them leave them out. The tire will seal on the rim without them unless your worried about the cops shooting out your tires id leave them out lol.
my 2 cents