They new what to do i am sure in fact I know they do...NJ has no other Armor to move it with, and that in my opinion would be more work getting that there to do the job and return it,Starting and loading and wide loading a tank to and from a site just to move that M 60 would be well not thought thru, moving a Tank is a big job in paper work too.and not efficiant at all anyway. NJ started out as the 50th Armored division long ago, in WW2 actually saw more tank battles than anyone else, In the first Gulf war, the call came to get to the Newark docks and be ready to go in less than a month, the general at that time answered General Powel , Well sire i cant, he said U have 6 weeks then, and again he said Sorry, Powel asked how long do u need, I understand the answer was at least 6 months to a year, Powel sternly said this is an Armored war and U are an Armoerd unit, But not any more, with the stroke of a pen powel removed the 50th Armored into history and It became a support battalion , Then was a heavy truck battalion and retained one Abrams in each Armory , but NJ is a liberal state that does not like the guard, and with this current war the State wanted the Army to make it a MP battalion with only humvees, but the army said the best they will do is a medium truck battalion with no armor at all , and that is what it is today. So long story short there is no tanks to tow another tank around here any more. And they would have used other equipment anyway.....Been at a few things when these guys moved a few things over the years, very very capable guys....for sure.....They would not pull out a tank to tow another unless in the field. I really do not know why you would say they do not care ? I happen to know they do.