We've been working on AugDog64's T34/85 for a couple years now and have figured out a number of quirks.
Do you use all the fuel tanks, or just the two "connected" rear ones, and for continuous engine running do you have to pressurise the fuel tanks with the drivers hand pump?
From left to right, what is the order of the 4 driver gauges immediately in front of the driver? My order does not seems to match anything I ever seen before, and their operation is also questionable. I was sure fuel tank air pressure was on the left, but on this one its 2nd from right
Also, how long do you run your pre-oiler for? I am just guessing on time, because I see no change on the oil pressure gauge.
I also have no operators manual, so for a lot of the operational items I am having to go from what works in the Sherman, what I can find out/translate from the internet, or learning as I go.
And as for the shifter pattern.....who knows

I found 1st and reverse by trial and error. Haven't got up enough speed (or courage) yet to find the order of the gears on the left (2 and 3?) or the right (4 and 5?). Someone has written on the inside of the hull 2 copies of the shift pattern, and they are both different, and wrong
My guess is:
2 1 4
3 R 5
which is probably wrong!