Hybrid G749
Did you get pics of you and pop in the hybrid? Bring the camera with you when you check out that other bed. If you're buying there's still that M215 East of you and it could be worth the trip.
We're going to hit a truck with scotch guard pads and let the kids, nieces, grandmothers go after it with rollers and paint brushes. The scratch pads chew off enough surface that the paint can grab on and a wipe down with reducer after a scuff gets the oils off. We'll use tack cloths to get the dust off and hit it with paint.....until we find time to restore. We are just trying to preserve body panels and aren't building a show truck ....yet.....so we won't even do a lot of body work.
What kind 'finish' look have you got for your truck? Camo? OD?,,, light green with big white stars?
If you give it a quick scuff, then preserve it with a quick paint job......it may turn out just right.
The G749 Guru's that I met on this site, that don't seem to chime in anymore, said, "Be careful not to over restore".