According to the -24P
A-35156-9.6.17 front ring and pinion set
A-35156-8-6.17 intermediate ring and pinion set
A 38249-6.17 Rear ring and pinion set
The beveled gears in each of the rear sets have the same part number, as well as the pinions.
What I find is weird is the front ring and pinion individual part numbers are the same as the rears however they lack the -6.17...
In any case your looking at 2 different rings and 2 different pinions.
Great info.... however... This is for the stock gear sets in stock ratio. What we need is part numbers for gear sets with different ratios. Something like 4.88.
There is a SS member who has been working on this issue for some time and Just today I learned that he may actually have found some useful information. He is still working on it and I am confident that when/if he has some solid information we will see a post about it. I just hope this info is more reliable than the "Next month" info from the Shrike (After market M16 belt feed system) people...
This is pretty much my last hope of ever seeing gears for these trucks. As I noted, I have searched for quite some time and have yet to come up with any real, solid leads.
In the mean time, replacing the very restrictive air filter and muffler with larger, high performance units and installing the dual fuel feed "Kit" combined with a professional fuel pump adjustment on a professional flow bench will provide both more horsepower and better MPG.
Lacking the availability of gears 48 or 53" tires will make a difference but as noted by the math on this page: (Bottom of page 2) I think going with both gears AND larger tires may well be a mistake from a performance and MPG stand point as the 2 combined look like it puts you out of the optimal operating RPM range of the Big Cam 400 with the factory CAT trans.
For some good info on optional tires sizes for this series of trucks, see the last couple posts on page 11 in this thread:
The best way to improve MPG? Only drive downhill.... ever.