First let me say this the first time I've been on any kind of forum. Personally I like to talk face to face so you know the other persons meaning. I've worked on cars my whole life, any thing from drivers, muscle cars, hot rods to motor cycles. Unfortunately, all the help I've given to my friends over the years has not come back to me when I needed it. I'm no stranger to being alone when it comes to things like this. I just wish I had a barn to work in. I've all ready been under the hood and it seems like it will be a lot easier to work on than a lot of cars I've been under. But like I've said before, I've never touched a diesel and i'm getting older and it's cold out side. To many years of laying in the mud and snow will get to you after a while. I would be a fool not to take advantage of of getting information that would help me move along faster to where I want to be. I know for sure that I'm not going to get help from any service shop because when I asked them about the truck their eyes glazed over and said "We just work on Cats.".
I'm not looking for some one to work on the truck just to tell me if it's running right and shifting the way it should. The guy who had the truck before me didn't look to mechaically inclined and I would like to be sure he didn't do any thing wrong to it. He said he mixed oil with gas to fill the truck which I know you can, but while under the hood it says that the muti-fuel has been disconected. I read some where that you can hurt the engine from just that. If so, where can I look to find out how to hook it back up? Of course the whole reason why I got the truck was for the multi-fuel. The guy also told me to keep my foot floored on the gas to cold start it, does that sound right? Some videos I've seen show guys reaching in and just pushing the button a couple of times and it starts, mine doesn't come close. With a little extra cussing though it seems to start. That's where it's nice to have some one familier with the truck to be there and say yeah that's how it is.
Any way, all I have is an iPhone for computer use which is why I haven't down loaded any thing yet. Does any one know where I could find hard copies? I know, I'm reaching out for that one.
To gimpyrob and oilcan, thanks for the offer I'll take you up on that but I'll probably have to wait till it warms up so you don't have to stand out in the cold looking it over. Besides there's a bad ground on the fuel gauge and temp. Which I think I should find the temp. first before making any trips. Got to have that working at least.
I'm quitting now because it took forever just to type this thing.
Thanks guys,