We started working on the CTIS today to see where the problem was/is. We have followed the TMs and have found no power running to the #9 pin on the controller head, however, there is the required 24 volts to the #27 pin/wire that connects the manifold wiring harness to the CTIS computer/control box.
As such, we have a couple of questions:
#1 The book calls for 24 volts at the #27 wire and only 10-15 volts at the #9 pin. Am I missing something, or is there a resistor or something in between the two to knock down the voltage? (answer to this question directly affects the next question).
#2 Is it possible to wire a "jumper" from the #27 pin (manifold harness)directly to the #9 pin (control box)? Our rationale behind this is that all of the wires are in a tight bundle/group and I don't see the need to rip all of that a part to fix one wire...if that is the case.
Any help and/or insights would be greatly appreciated.
On a side note, our flashing lights should begin to be installed this week along with our remote spotlight. Decals and such are soon to come as well!

Pics will follow...don't worry!