So my latest financial black hole arrived the other day, and there’s some things I’d address immediately.
Cab latch is effectively seized up. Think I’d just as soon replace rather than rebuild.
I want to replace all the rubber boots, turbo, radiator, what have you.
Door seals are roached. Anyone know how many feet it takes to do “a” door? Best guesstimate on the high side.
Truck wanders quite a bit, but rubber seems decent and fairly evenly worn. Any directions there?
Hard braking equals hard pull to the left. Non-functional right front brake?
Heater no workee. All fuses/relays seem to be in place but not sure they’re working. I know this has been asked but my search-foo seems to be weak so, a good replacement source for those funky fuses, and relays?
Good parts source in general other than a certain reseller that apparently has gold plated everything?