July 24th, 2014.
Posts 53 & 58, Thanks. This is a subject that does need dredged up every now and then to allow the idea, and the subject to be examined and discussed by members who may not have seen the original posts. It is a subject Germaine to our hobby, and to the public perception of us as preservationists (both of the vehicles, their history and their educational values). If we are perceived as part of the problem ones, destroying historic and natural sites, then we will be restricted.
Anyone remember the twit that flipped the abandoned, yet historic bus in the desert a while back? Yet as poster 53 above notes, there are ways to control the damage. Anyone taken the Rubicon Trail ride in Ca.? Get off the trail more then a couple of feet and see what happens..... yet the trail remains for us to use, and protect..... As always we benefit, or we lose from our good or bad decisions.

Discussion costs but little, enlightenment changes much... Thank you for your patience so far.
Have a Great Weekend coming up!