OK folks, listen up.
The last 2 years, we have struggled with what to do with the field. Do we organize it into areas or do we leave it as a "free for all" where everyone just grabs the spot they want?
The MKT pretty much has to stay where it is due to it's water and electrical requirements and since SCSG-G4 and Wreckerman893 put so much work into feeding us (which keeps them away from the fun of trailrides & socializing) we graciously allow them to keep their vehicles, camping gear and such right near the MKT. Wreckerman usually brings some stuff to sell and since it's impossible for him to be in two places at once, we let him keep his stuff near the MKT as well.
So a few weeks ago, I sent an email to about a dozen of the people whose opinions I greatly value and asked them their opinion. Of course, about half the responses said "yes, you have to have a separate vendor area" and about half said "just leave it as is and if a vendor wants a primo spot, they can show up early and take it".
After going out to D-town last week for the trail ride recon with Squirt Truck and Dumpster and spending an hour in the field, discussing various layouts and options, this is what we are going to try. Keep in mind nothing is in concrete-if this doesn't work or it doesn't work to our expectations, we will try something else next year.
The MKT, Wreckerman and SCSG-G4's area will remain the same. The upper corner of the field. This is also where we will put up any command tents. Next to this area will be a vendor area. We picked this area because it is the flattest part of the field and because of it's proximity to the MKT. Vendors will benefit from foot traffic patterns, hopefully getting the maximum exposure for their stuff.
The rest of the field will remain about the same as last year. The campfire will be center stage and everyone's camping/parking spots will be all around and behind the campfire. We are going to try and leave an entry/exit route through the camping area but it won't be marked, so please use common sense.
We are going to try and have someone on location at all times from Wednesday morning on so that new arrivals will know where to go, but please understand it is difficult to have a (unpaid volunteer) manager on hand at all times. If you are asked to move, please realize it's not that someone is being an arse, but simply trying to keep the field clean and organized.
Squirt Truck took the time to put together a map of the field for us-it may be a good idea to print it out and bring it with you to assist in finding a spot in the field. See the .pdf attachment below. It's 2 pages. Upper map and lower map. Upper map will show you where our field is, which will be helpful to first time rally goers. 2nd (bottom) map is our field.
Finally- I know some of you are asking "what constitutes a vendor? Do I HAVE to go into the vendor area or can I keep my stuff with my truck?"
If you are a guy who has a few items that you bring that you need to sell, you can do either one-the camping area or the vendor area.
If you have a giant display, with tents, multiple tables, etc., you should grab an spot in the vendor area. There is no limit on the size of the area you can take in the vendor area. If we get to the point in the future where we run out of vendor area, we'll start setting spot sizes, but that's years away.
Now-those are the easy ones. You folks that fall in between........ you bring a fair amount of stuff but you aren't sure whether you should be in the vendor area or if you can stay in the general camping area...... I am hesitant to put a limit on the amount of items you can sell from the camping area..... so I am going to leave it to your best judgement. My recommendation would be 10-15 items and less is ok for the camping area, anything more is probably a vendor area thing.
Also, the following should be noted:
You can camp and keep your vehicle in the vendor area if desired. Or you can park/camp in the camping area and set your stuff up in the vendor area. Totally your call.
As always, no fees for vendors, other than what everyone pays (trailride fees, camping fees, etc.).
Please leave the path going through the camping area open and large enough for BIG trucks and trailers. A 5 ton and an equipment trailers needs a fair amount of room. The field we have is HUGE, much bigger than I think anyone realizes.
Also, if you guys are still interested in having an "M109 row" it will be at the very bottom of the field. I kind of need to know if there is still interest in this, as the site manager will need to keep it open for M109/M185 models as participants arrive.
EDIT: EDIT: Map now uploaded as a .pdf, thanks to SS member mckeeranger for the assistance.