I bet ya an enterprising troop could make a bunch of extra bucks if he perhaps did a video
of everyone's stuff first thing when it opens and posted it to you-tube right away, and make a thread about
it here on SS. Maybe try to advertise what you plan on doing, and when you plan on
uploading pics prior, then link to them, so people can see stuff and get stuff they normally
could not get! Seems like a win win to me.
Still pictures would work too!
Even an individual shop-keep could do this for just for his wares. Spread it all out, take
pics, upload and make a thread here. Something to do while waiting for the next sale!
I would love to see the piles of stuff.
Ya never know where your next buck will come from!
Then, if folks who can't go, if they want stuff they just send you the cash via PP for the item(s)
you pay the shop-keep for the goods and then you mail them the stuff.
Hard jobs = more $. Minimum charge to do anything kinda deal maybe.
Pay up front or NADA. Maybe a simple clipboard you add to every picture that
tells you where to go back to if someone wants something...Charge a fee for
more info if a guy wants you to go back and take more pics or kick some tires!
The only drawback I see at this second is timing. If I saw a widget I wanted and
you didn't get back to the place in time it could be sold but there is always a way,
just say; "OK, I will call you at approximately this time and if it is there you
can PP me and it is a deal. Set up your phone so you get Email so you can
see when PP sends you the funds...easy-peasee.
If anyone sees any validity in this suggestion please let us know.! I think it would be sweet!
(Bonus points if you catch gimp in the act!

BoyScouts could get there A/V Merit badges this way! (If there is such a thing, bet there is)