A few things to sell or trade=
Looking for M151 heater kit, Molle II rucksack waist belt, woodland & red Coleman 200 lantern.
Wenzel pressurized kerosene lantern. Used once yrs ago. Crazy bright! $100
Chain binders, set of 4. $25 for the set!
Dispatch log books, unused. $3 ea.
Al Harvey all of them
Lead seal pliers, US on one side and Ordnance Flaming bomb on other. $10 (put that seal back on that injector pump!)
Chez leather AK mag pouches. $15 pair
Warning triangle set, new. $10
GI lantern wrenches. $2 ea (let me know if you need lantern parts!)
Mermite with seal and cans, nice. 1961 dated! $55
M762 trailer! 1/4tn flat bed. I just rebuilt this. New leaf springs, new electrical cable, new parking brake, new bearings and seals,new bulbs and new reflectors. Totally disassembled and restored! This trailer is NICE! Included is 2 very nice tires to replace the ones on the trailer now. $850 firm
I'll only bring the trailer if sold.
PM me!

Buy my junk...oops, stuff! Gott'a buy gas!